256. Combustible Convergence Conference - Day 3 - Bill Vanderbush
255. Combustible Convergence Conference - Day 2 - Catherine Toon
254. Combustible Convergence Conference - Day 1 - Larry McKnight
253. Why We Pray - How We Pray
242. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: Evelyn Smith - Serving the Community Thru Pets!
243. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: Doug Estrada - Creating Music with AI
252. Jessica Otero: Co-Creating with Father God
251. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: Marilyn Zander - Pressing Into The Kingdom of Heaven
250. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: Richard Kramer - Tackling Bad Foundations
249. Our Citizenship Is In Heaven - Part 1
248. Trusting God - Part 3: Trusting in God's Goodness
247. Trusting God - Part 2: How Do You Know God is Faithful?
246. Trusting God - Part 1: An Introduction
245. Transformation - Part 5: The Who and Where of Transformation
244. Transformation - Part 4: Who Can Be Transformed?
241. Being Transformed - Part 3: "The Beautiful Necessity of Being Transformed by Grace!"
240. JOYLAND Missions Update: Joel and Jennifer Biyinzika - back to Uganda!
239. JOYLAND Missions Update: Gene and Robin Willis
238. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: Janet Estrada - "The Hope of Love... Now and Tomorrow"
237. Being Transformed - Part 2: "Is Change Really Necessary?"
236. Being Transformed - Part 1 - Introduction
235. My Peace I Give to You - Part 3 | " The Gift of Presence"
234. My Peace I Give to You - Part 2
233. My Peace I Give To You - Part 1
232. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: Tommie Wannamaker - "Renewing Your Mind"
231. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: Lauryl McKnight - "Being Transformed"
230. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: Jen Kramer - "The Power of Perspective"
229. The Gift of Communion and New Intimacy in Worship (Two Gifts Before Palm Sunday)
228. Stepping Up To His Leading
227. What is Love Like?
226. Enduring Love & Secure Attachment - Part 2
225. Enduring Love & Secure Attachment - Part 1
223. Celebrating The Light This Christmas!
224. Where is the Lord Taking Us as We Follow Him into 2024?
222. Our Source and Power of Joy
221. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: Dave Gittlemen - "Is There a Place for a Jewish Guy in Church?"
220. Recognizing Jesus in Our Midst
219. "The Beginning of Wisdom & The Fear of The Lord"
218. Communion - Together
217. The Relationship That Is The Kingdom
216. A Word of Guidance in Response to Coming to God Over Fear
215. Awakening to Jesus!
214. Larry & Vickie - Sabbatical Recap
213. What is a Dream? - Dave Dorty
212. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: Theresa Gittlemen - "Daddy, Can You Fix This?"
211. Body Life - Adam Smith
210. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: You The Creation - Jermey Skinner
209. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: My Voice - Cheryl Smith
208. The Future of Grace - Dan and Becky Hewitt
207. JOYLAND Snap-Talks: My Journey - Terri Harrison